How you do you make conversations about cryptocurrencies not insufferable? How do we move away from globalization as world resources and personal well-being begin to strain?
Introducing MarthaMarthaMarthaCoin, the first physical, analog and interaction-based cryptocurrency. Taking structural elements of cryptocurrencies and traditional banking, I designed my own economy, where I am an autocratic banker and everyone else has to try and keep me happy.
The currency? Ceramic pigs. Each with their own individual name and unique glaze. Much like bitcoin, no two pigs are the same. The stock price depends on how happy I am. The happier I am, the more your pig is worth. I built a happiness calculator through answering a series of questions gives me a numerical value to how happy I am. So keep me chipper and you’ll be bringing home the bacon. I would sit at my bankers desk trading pigs in exchange for experiences such as welding lessons or a taxi to the airport. Depending on the stock price you could trade the pig back for something eg. a cooked dinner.
Dutch Design Daily
Kazerne Design Awards